- Telbisz T, Imecs Z, Máthé A, Mari L. (2023). Empirical Investigation of the Motivation and Perception of Tourists Visiting the Apuseni Nature Park (Romania) and the Relationship of Tourism and Natural Resources. Sustainability, 2023; 15(5):4181., MDPI-LINK, PDF
- Telbisz, T., Mari, L., Gessert, A., Nestorová Dická, J., & Gruber, P. (2022). Attitudes and perceptions of local residents and tourists – a comparative study of the twin national parks of Aggtelek (Hungary) and Slovak Karst (Slovakia). Acta Carsologica, 51(1), 93-109., PDF
- Kovačević-Majkić, J., Ćalić, J., Micić, J., Brankov, J., Milanović, R., & Telbisz, T. (2022). Public knowledge on karst and protected areas: A case study of Tara National Park, Serbia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 71(2), 163-179., PDF
- Kőszegi, M., Gessert, A., Nestorová-Dická, J., Gruber, P., & Bottlik, Z. (2022). Social assessment of national parks through the example of the Aggtelek National Park. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 71(2), 149-162., PDF
- Imecs, Z., Máthé, A., & Kohán, B. (2022). Attitudes of local people towards Apuseni Nature Park, Romania. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 71(2), 133-148., PDF
- Telbisz, T., Šulc, I., Mari, L., & Kaufmann, P. R. (2022). Attitudes and preferences of visitors of Krka National Park, Croatia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 71(2), 117-132., PDF
- Mari, L., Tábori, Z., Šulc, I., Kaufmann, P. R., Milanović, R., Gessert, A., Imecs, Z., Baricz, A., & Telbisz, T. (2022). The system and spatial distribution of protected areas in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia and Croatia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 71(2), 99-115., PDF
- Brankov, J., Micić, J., Ćalić, J., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Milanović, R., & Telbisz, T. (2022). Stakeholders’ Attitudes toward Protected Areas: The Case of Tara National Park (Serbia). Land, 11(4), 468., MDPI-LINK, PDF
- Telbisz, T., Radeljak Kaufmann, P., & Bočić, N., 2022: Inland-coastal demographic transformations in a karst area: a case study of the surroundings of Krka National Park (Croatia), Journal of Mountain Science 2021, 19(2)/305-321, SPRINGER-LINK, PDF
- Telbisz, T., Ćalić, J., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Milanović, R., Brankov, J., & Micić, J., 2021: Karst Geoheritage of Tara National Park (Serbia) and Its Geotouristic Potential, Geoheritage 2021, 13/88., SPRINGER-LINK, PDF
- Nestorová Dická, J.; Gessert, A.; Bryndzová, L.; Telbisz, T., 2020: Behavioural Survey of Local Inhabitants’ Views and Attitudes about Slovak Karst National Park in Slovakia, Sustainability 2020, 12, 10029. PDF
- Telbisz T., Mari L., 2020: The significance of karst areas in European national parks and geoparks, Open Geosciences, 12(1), 117-132. PDF, supplementary data XLS
- Telbisz T., Gruber P., Mari L., Kőszegi M., Bottlik Zs., Standovár T., 2020: Geological Heritage, Geotourism and Local Development in Aggtelek National Park (NE Hungary). Geoheritage, 12(5). PDF
- Telbisz T., Brankov J.,
- Telbisz T., Brankov J.,
- Mari L., Telbisz T., 2019: Karsztos területek az európai geoparkokban (European geoparks with karst landscapes), Karsztfejlődés 24, 79-92. PDF
- Telbisz T., Stergiou, C., Mindszenty A., Chatzipetros, A., 2019: Geological and Geomorphological Characteristics of Vikos Gorge and Tymphi Mountain (Northern Pindos National Park, Greece) and Karst-Related Social Processes of the Region. Acta Carsologica, 48(1),29-42. PDF
- Telbisz T., Stergiou, C., Mindszenty A., Chatzipetros, A., 2018: A Vikos-szurdok és a Tymphi-hegység karsztjelenségei, valamint ezek kapcsolata a természetvédelemmel és a turizmussal (Karst features of Vikos gorge and Tymphi mountain and their relation to nature protection and tourism), Karsztfejlődés 23, 187-206. PDF
- Mari L., Telbisz T., 2018: Karsztvidékek az európai nemzeti parkokban (European national parks with karst landscapes), Karsztfejlődés 23, 207-217. PDF
Book chapter
- Telbisz, T., Mari L., Gruber, P., Kőszegi, M., Bottlik Zs., Standovár, T., 2018. Képes-e egy nemzeti park a regionális fejlődést előmozdítani? - Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park speciális esete. in: Fazekas I., Kiss E., Lázár I.: Földrajzi tanulmányok 2018, Debrecen 251-254. PDF
- Telbisz, T., Mari, L., 2024: The Role of National Parks in the Development of Disadvantaged Karst Areas in Some European Countries. In: Weber, J., Sultana, S. (eds) The Changing Geography of National Parks and Protected Areas. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 63-86. Springer-LINK
Conference proceedings
- Mari L., Imecs Z., Telbisz T., 2022: Erdőborítottság változásai az Erdélyi-szigethegység Natúrpark (Parcul Natural Apuseni)területén. in: Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában XIII. Theory meets practice in GIS, Debrecen University Press, Debrecen, pp.215-220. PDF
- Telbisz T., Mari L., Kőszegi M., Bottlik ZS., Standovár T., Gruber P., Radeljak-Kaufmann P., Šulc I., Bočić N., Gessert A., Nestorová-Dická J., Ćalić J., Kovačević-Majkić J., Brankov J., Micić J., Imecs Z., Máthé A., Stergiou C., 2022: Park–local people–tourists relationships in karst national parks, the presentation of an international project. in: Man and Karst 2022 Conference, September 12th-17th, Custonaci, Italy.
- Šulc I., Telbisz T., Nagy B., Mari L., Radeljak Kaufmann P., 2022: Visitor Perception of Landscape Values in Karst National Parks – the Case of Krka NP, Croatia. in: Man and Karst 2022 Conference, September 12th-17th, Custonaci, Italy.
- Imecs Z., Máthé A., Nagy B., Mari L., Kohán B., Telbisz T., 2022: Motivation and perception of visitors to Apuseni Nature Park (Romania). in: Man and Karst 2022 Conference, September 12th-17th, Custonaci, Italy.
- Telbisz T., Radeljak-Kaufmann P., Bočić N., 2021: Népességváltozások és természeti adottságok kapcsolata a Krka Nemzeti Park tágabb környezetében (Šibenik-Knin megye, Horvátország). in: 10th Hungarian Geographical Conference, 24, Sept, Budapest., p. 57.
- Imecs Z., Mari L., Máté A., Kohán B., Telbisz T., 2021: Erdőborítás változása az Apuseni Natúrpark (Erdélyi-szigethegység) területén – van-e kapcsolat a terület védettsége és az erdőállomány változása között?). in: 10th Hungarian Geographical Conference, 24, Sept, Budapest., p. 67.
- Telbisz T., Radeljak-Kaufmann P., Bočić N., 2021: Population dynamics versus natural settings – a complex analysis of the area in and around Krka National Park (Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia). in: EUGEO 2021, June 28-July 1, 2021, Prague, Czechia, 253.
- Imecs Z., Mari L., Máthé A., Kohán B., Telbisz T., 2021: Is there a conflict between nature and Nature Park? Perceptions and facts about forest cover changes over recent decades in Apuseni Nature Park – Romania. in: EUGEO 2021, June 28-July 1, 2021, Prague, Czechia, 192.
- Telbisz, T., Ćalić J., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Milanović R., Brankov J., Micić, J., 2020: The karst geoheritage of Tara National Park (Serbia) and its potential use in geotourism. in: X International Online ProGEO Symposium, Spain 7-10, June, 2021, 223-224.
- Telbisz, T., Ćalić J., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Brankov J., Micić, J., Mari, L., 2020: Karstic National Parks’ Roles and Potentials – Views and Opinions from Tara National Park, Serbia. in: Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources Proceedings—August 18-20, 2020, p. 20. PDF
- Gessert, A.; Nestorová-Dicka, J.; Bryndzov, L.; Telbisz, T., 2020: Geotourism and Local Development in NP Slovak Karst: Behaviour Survey of Local People, Tourists and Experts. in: Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources Proceedings—August 18-20, 2020, p. 20. PDF
- Imecs, Z.; Telbisz, T.; Mos, A.; Scrob, N., 2020: Karst Management in Apuseni Nature Park (Romania). in: Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources Proceedings—August 18-20, 2020, p. 20. PDF
- Telbisz, T., Mari, L., Kőszegi, M., Bottlik, Zs., 2019: Lessons learnt from joint physical and social geographic projects focussing on karst terrains. in: 7th EUGEO Congress: Re-imagining Europe’s Future Society and Landscapes (2019) p. 437. PDF
- Telbisz, T., Brankov, J., 2019: The dynamics of human-mountain relationships in a karst mountain region (Tara National Park, Serbia). in: 7th EUGEO Congress: Re-imagining Europe’s Future Society and Landscapes (2019) p. 222. PDF
- Kőszegi M., Bottlik Zs., Telbisz T., Gruber P., 2019: The almighty state for the protection of nature: the Hungarian case study of post-socialist national parks. in: AAG, American Association of Geographers - AAG 2019 Annual Meeting p.1. PDF
- Baráz, C., Holló, S., Telbisz, T., 2018. Creation of a new geopark in the Bükk Region (Hungary) – a bottom-up initiative. IX ProGEO Symposium Geoheritage and Geoconservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda: Programme and Abstract Book 67–68. PDF
- Mari, L., Telbisz, T., 2018. European National Parks with karst landscapes. IX ProGEO Symposium Geoheritage and Geoconservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda: Programme and Abstract Book 94–95. PDF
- Telbisz, T., Gruber, P., Kőszegi, M., Mari, L., Standovár, T., Bottlik, Z., 2018. Geoconservation – an opportunity for people living on karst terrains? A case study of the Aggtelek National Park. IX ProGEO Symposium Geoheritage and Geoconservation: Modern Approaches and Applications Towards the 2030 Agenda: Programme and Abstract Book 59–60. PDF
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